Saturday, September 22, 2007


Here is another piece that I've completed recently. It was an experiment with a technique from one of the art magazines I buy. I can't seem to find the article about this fun way to use cardboard. Anyway...I had fun and now need to frame this piece.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Awards for the Art Doll

I am SO PSYCHED! I didn't get a chance to go to the state fair to see my art doll exhibited. When I got her back on Thursday she was sporting these ribbons! One is a First Award and the other is Best in Class. I tried to call on Friday to see how many other exhibitors were in my catagory, but got no answer. I'll call again on Monday. This is the first time for more than a First Award. Can you see my smile shining over Mt. Hood? Yep, I'm psyched!

Saturday, September 1, 2007


Finally got this up tonight. Been having a little trouble with the computer lately. Don't we just love all this technology? Enjoy.