My last post was Friday night, December 19th. It was snowing and beginning to pile up. We were well provisioned for the coming storms and I had my projects ready to work on while we were snowed in. I even had projects ready when the power went out! Saturday came the twinge, then Sunday, Solstice, came the pain. One of my molars was becoming abscessed. There was no way to get out and even if I could, it was Christmas week AND all the dentists were snowed in, too. I ended up sleeping through most of the week and taking aspirin for the pain. Christmas morning was a relief. I got one of the best gifts ever, the major pain stopped, just the annoying background pain hung on. That was bearable under the circumstances. I called my doctor on Friday to have him call in a prescription at my local drug store, but I couldn't get out. We tried and got stuck half way up our road. After digging out and working the truck back and forth for about 20 minutes we finally got up to the main road and found it hadn't been plowed. So, we turned around and went home.
We finally got out on Sunday. I was able to get my antibotics and some food for the coming floods. (We certainly had a "fun" Christmas/New Years holiday.) Tuesday was the dentist appointment where I learned that one of my root canals went bad and I needed to have it re-rooted. WHAT? I've never heard of that before! Off to the specialist and more appointments. This actually happens more than we would like to know. This Friday, I get back to my regular dentist and have the temporary filling drilled out and a new cap on my gold crown. It's nice to be without pain in my face. I certainly don't want that again!
What a way to start the new year. Hopefully this is all the major doctor/dentist things I have to put up with this year.
So.....did I get all those projects done or even started? Not a chance. I worked sporadically on my December
Nature Gathered piece. I didn't even start my December
Bead Journal Project until after New Year's. I'm running about a month behind on that one, but am up to date on the Nature Gathered work.