February was named for the Roman goddess Februa, mother of Mars. She is the patroness of the passion of love. The birthstone of the month is amethyst.
When I decided to bead a heart for this month I didn't want to do the prerequisite red and so picked purple, not knowing about the birthstone. Isn't serendipity a wonderful thing? I needle felted the heart, a bit off center, with a lovely purple wool roving and then beaded around it with size 8 seed beads and clear flower beads.
After I did this heart, I got out some more of the cleaned respirator filters (20) and needle felted hearts on them. I think they will make fun brooches for some of my summer shows this year.
Lovely BJP and great happening of the heart representing February in a sense anyway!
The pages look so nice all hung together...
What a wonderful heart, simple, full of joy and brightness. Maybe that's why they put February in the middle of winter.
I'm so glad you chose to use purple for your heart. February always reminds me of my mother who is a leap year baby but amethyst was her stone and I like it, too. The 6 in the picture above look great. I like the idea - maybe I'll use it for next year.
It's a valentine that will work in February and every other month. The non-traditional color is very cool.
Marty S
Crackpot Beader
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